1602. LCM of two integers


Find the LCM (least common multiple) of two positive integers.


Input. Two positive integers a and b (ab  2 * 109).


Output. Print the LCM of numbers a and b.


Sample input

Sample output

42 24







Algorithm analysis

The Least Common Multiple (LCM) of two integers a and b is the smallest positive integer divisible by both a and b without a remainder. For example, LCM(2, 3) = 6 and LCM(6, 10) = 30.

To find the least common multiple, we can use the formula:

GCD (a, b) * LCM (a, b) = a * b,


LCM (a, b) = a * b / GCD (a, b)

Since ab < 2 * 109, the result of multiplying a * b may exceed the range of the int type. Therefore, when performing calculations, it is advisable to use the long long type.



Let’s consider the numbers from the example:

GCD (42, 24) * LCM (42, 24) = 42 * 24,


LCM (42, 24) = 42 * 24 / GCD (42, 24) = 42 * 24 / 6 = 168


Algorithm implementation

Implement the functions gcd (greatest common divisor) and lcm (least common multiple).


long long gcd(long long a, long long b)


  return (!b) ? a : gcd(b, a % b);



long long lcm(long long a, long long b)


  return a / gcd(a, b) * b;



The main part of the program. Read the input data.


scanf("%lld %lld", &a, &b);


Compute and print the LCM of two numbers.


d = lcm(a, b);

printf("%lld\n", d);


Python implementation

Implement the functions gcd (greatest common divisor) and lcm (least common multiple).

def gcd(a, b):
  if a == 0: return b
  if b == 0: return a
  if a > b: return gcd(a % b, b)
  return gcd(a, b % a)
def lcm(a, b):
  return a // gcd(a, b) * b

The main part of the program. Read the input data.

a, b = map(int, input().split())

Compute and print the LCM of two numbers.

print(lcm(a, b))


Python implementation – lcm

To compute the least common multiple (LCM) of two numbers, let’s use the lcm function built into the Python language.
import math
Read the input data.
a, b = map(int, input().split())

Compute and print the LCM of two numbers.

print(math.lcm(a, b))